Chris Mullen is an award-winning author, award-winning teacher, and graduate of Texas A&M University from Richmond, Texas. After signing with WISE WOLF BOOKS in 2021, Chris has written 6 books and 2 short stories in his ROWDY series and is currently working on a new Contemporary Western Mystery series (the CASS CALLAHAN novels) for Wolfpack Publishing. DEAD LAND, book 1 in the Cass Callahan novels, will be released on January 23, 2024!
ROWDY continues to grow and attract readers of all ages with the short story, THE RIVER, which was released on December 26, 2023, in the RIDIN' WITH THE PACK western stories anthology from Wolfpack Publishing.
Follow on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads all via @chrismullenwrites or on Twitter @cmullenwrites. Also, be sure to follow his Amazon page for up to date info on all his books!
"I am thrilled to be on this Author journey. It has been a dream of mine for years, and now things are starting to come together. Does that mean I've stopped dreaming? NO! I continue to dream about what might come next. Where will I be a year from now? That's the million dollar question. For now, I'm taking each day as they come, making the most out of the time gifted to me, and of course, I will be writing, and writing, and writing."
I was a teacher for 23 years and, while I do not have a classroom now, I still want to reach out to kids of all ages. Exploring creativity, imagination, and self-confidence played a major role in my daily lessons and I feel that it is so important to keep these skills alive and growing in children of ALL AGES. It is OK to pretend. It is OK to dress the part. It is OK to dream and create and perform. Live these dreams and hold on to the feelings you had when they were created. Those sparks of creativity only have two burn out, or to grow into a raging blaze of imagination. Winning the Connie Wootton Excellence in Teacher award in 2019 really culminated and validated the work I've done over the years and allowed me to look back and reflect on all that I have a accomplished. I am proud to call myself a teacher.
I love my family! My wife and two sons have given me the energy, love, and trust I need to pursue a #writerslife. They are my foundation of happiness and joy. While each impact me in different ways, the ingredients we have in our relationships always form the perfect recipe for love. Watching my boys grow up, exceptionally too fast, has been a joy and a reward, and I am so blessed that they are with me and supporting me. And I can't say enough about my wife. The gifts she has given me through the years are immesureable, and to now support me when there is no guarantee of success? My family loves me no matter what, and I will work until my fingers bleed and success pours over them because this is my chance, my time. It's a wonderful gift from them and I don't plan on wasting it.
Be a part of my journey as I write, travel, and share my stories across Texas, and hopefully, one day, the world. Here's what you can do...
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-Follow my Author pages on Amazon
and Goodreads
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Rowdy: Wild and Mean, Sharp and Keen was named BEST 1st-time WESTERN MANUSCRIPT (writer)
Rowdy: Wild and Mean, Sharp and Keen was named the 2nd place winner for YA books.
Rowdy: Redemption was named the 3rd place winner for YA books.
Chris was named a 2022 HLSR Writing Competition Judge!
Chris' Rowdy series was just acquired by Wolfpack publishing for 3 books AND 3 accompanying Teacher Guides!
Rowdy: Wild and Mean, Sharp and Keen was named the
3rd place WINNER in the Westerns category of the 2021 Selah Awards, sponsored by the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.
Chris was named a 2021 HLSR Writing Competition Judge!
Rowdy: Wild and Mean, Sharp and Keen was named FINALIST in the Westerns category of the 2020 Best Book Awards, sponsored by American Book Fest.
Rowdy: Wild and Mean, Sharp and Keen was named WINNER in the Westerns category of the 2020 American Fiction Awards, sponsored by American Book Fest.
"Mullen's story is well-paced and compulsively readable... prose is strong and realistic given... characters at play are well-developed and diverse..."
Given by the Southwest Association of Episcopal School, this award (Early Childhood) identifies an exceptional teacher working with pre-kindergarten students.
2019 recipient - Chris Mullen