The Dungeon
By Landon
(5th grade)
Chapter 1
I was walking in my small village one day and was going over to buy some apples from the food shop. I walked there, chose five crisp apples, and bought them.
I was about to place a coin down when I heard this rumbling noise. I was confused, we don’t have earthquakes here, and the last monster attacks were about five thousand years ago.
I was looking around to see where the noise came from, but all I saw were fins... wait! Fi- BOOM! A big scaly monster burst out of the ground and started jumping through the ground like a dolphin does in water.
Well, I said to myself, I guess I was wrong, now the last monster attack was about three seconds ago.
The monster was sandy colored, and its tail had three spikes on each side and had one big spike on the end.
Its scales shimmered off the sunlight like they were made of iron.
I had no form of protection and no weapons, I just hoped it wouldn’t turn to me. It turned to me. Its red eyes made me stay still in my place. I was thinking of an idea, then it clicked. I ran to the blacksmiths store, slapped a coin on the desk, grabbed a sword, and charged for the monster. I could hear a voice in my head saying, ‘‘Who will triumph!’’ But basically, he triumphs. He smacks me right in the gut, and I go flying. I tumble into the food store. I was dazed for some time, but I got up. I lifted my sword, and the monster charged at me.
I sidestepped and stabbed my sword in its side, and the monster wailed in pain.
It fell on a meat shop and tumbled through it, completely destroying the shop.
It stood up and looked at me, its eyes like flames that are burning ferociously, its mouth as dark as the void, its teeth as sharp as a knight's sword.
It opened its mouth; inside I could see its throat getting redder and redder and then FOOOOOM!
Fire bursts out of its mouth and singes about all the hair on my right arm.
I run around the monster still trying to avoid the monster's flames.
I'm now in the perfect spot to attack the monster.
I run for its side, it turns to see me, the monster opened its mouth and shoots fire, like it did before, but this time I jumped over the monster, and the fire stopped.
Probably because I had stabbed my sword strait into its head, while green monster blood poured out.
I had just killed my first monster.
Chapter 2
The blacksmith looked at the dead monster and said to me, “This is one of the Evil Ones”. “The Evil One?” I replied. “Indeed,” he said.
“Where is he,” I said. “In the dungeon,” He said. “Where is that?” I replied.
The blacksmith gave me a map and walked off to his shop. I started my journey right then after.
I went through the village gates that were made of mammoth tusks, and trekked through the mountains of Kibo, and swam across Lake Hurku, somehow avoiding the snake monsters that lived there.
I saw a great stone structure. Then I heard a weak yell, that definitely wasn’t a monster.
Then I heard a monster yell and it came from behind me. I looked back, and saw a monster running towards me. I didn’t have enough time, so the monster rammed me with the big horn he had.
I went flying above the tree line. The pain was like being hit with a battering ram straight on the chest. I tumbled into a nice open field.
It did take care of the problem though because now I couldn’t even see the monster, but I heard the weak yell again. I ran toward the stone structure and saw a man sprawled on the floor right next to it.
There was a monster that was closing in on him, I sprinted towards the monster, ran up a nearby rock, and jumped off it and
stabbed the sword into its back and hit its heart.
The monster wailed in pain while it stumbled and fell on the ground dead.
I walked to the person by the wall and said, “You okay.” He answered with a weak, “Yeah.” I looked up at the stone structure and noticed it was the dungeon.
We talked during the short walk towards the entrance to the dungeon. His name was Mike and I didn’t have a name because my dad died in a war against barbarians and my mom died of a disease after my birth. So, I never got to be named, but he said he would call me Kuo, which means good helper or friend in his language.
We had finally reached the entrance into the dungeon when I heard a bone chilling, heart stopping, really loud sound.
Mike and I entered the dungeon.
We were walking down a long stone hallway which led to a big room door that had cobwebs all over it. It was obvious that the door had not been opened for decades.
Mike and I pushed the door open while its iron hinges screeched in my ears.
Inside was a gigantic empty room. All that was in it was a huge boulder and a pile of human bones.
Mike walked off to the left, while I walked to the right.
Mike was climbing the big boulder when I saw it, the part of the boulder that was facing me started moving. I yelled to Mike, ”No, stop! Get off the boulder!” But it was too late the part that was moving opened and inside I saw a big eye.
The monster roared and started moving, and Mike tumbled off the boulder. Its gigantic body burst out of the crater in the wall it had made, and stood up on its hind legs, and stomped his front legs on the ground, which shook the ground so hard the village probably heard it.
It had a big horn on its body and blood-stained fangs with a split tongue in its mouth.
It looked down at Mike and hit him with its horn and knocked him out cold.
I ran towards the monster, jumped and stabbed my sword in its thigh, the monster wailed in pain.
It smacked me in my side as I flew across the room, and hit the wall, and slid down it. The monster ran towards me and blocked all the exit ways surrounding me in a cocoon he made with his body.
It was lowering its head, opened its mouth over me, when it stood up and wailed in pain. Mike had made a huge gash in its body with a sword he had taken from a deceased warrior skeleton.
The monster whacked him and threw him around like a ragdoll; he landed with a thud and didn’t move. Mike had just died.
I jumped up, stabbed my sword in its chest and slid down to its belly and took the sword out. I ran behind it and climbed up its leg, as it tried to whack me like a mosquito. I Jumped on its arm and ran up it and jumped on its head.
I raised my sword above my head and thrusted it downward running it clean through its skull.
I had killed the Evil One.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon